I don't think you stole it from anyone, but I do that too sometimes. I'm pretty sure I didn't steal it from you either. I think we both just thought it was a good idea.
Bleh. Fish smell is awful. x.x Haunted? Legitimately? O.o
I'm going to take a zoology class junior year. :D Yay. And then AP Bio as a senior. *loves animals and biology* I actually wanted to do a volunteer thing at the zoo this summer, but I was too damn booked. :\
I love kayaking. I cannot kayak in Colorado. There are no lakes here. They are all fake. >:|
World geography class next year. Maybe I'll get better. XD
They're missing a couple by the way, and there's plenty more. >.>
Edit: The one about Saint. Paul's Church is phoney. The head shape is there but it's just coincidence that it shattered like that during a explosion type thingee. They're still missing the Five Fisherman though which is an insanely popular one.
D: My school next year doesn't offer it which is why I wanna try to get into a private school that does. I'm already in AP Science and taking gr. 11 Bio in the second semester next year. -Also loves- I just dislike the cell part of it. I'm fond of the study of animals and the genetics, just not the cells labeling and such part. We don't have a close by Zoo here and I'm too young, but when I'm 16 I'm so volunteering at the animal shelter.
Same. We had a store called Whole Foods, and the entire place reeked of fish. It was disgusting. v.v
O.o That's quite a few places. I don't think there's anyplace around here. Except maybe the Stanley Hotel.
Good luck. My school has a pretty good range of courses, and I'm thankful for it. Although we've been hit pretty hard with budget cuts, so they better not take out my classes before I take them.
Same. I don't like microbiology. I'd much prefer botany and zoology. Genetics is fun, as far as math in science goes.
I don't understand why places like that have age requirements. It's irksome. >.>
Oh yeah, since this god awful place is one of the oldest in North America we get dang proud of our ghosts. Usually one place will have several ghostly encounters and even several ghosts.
>.> I hate my horrid HS. We didn't have much of a budget to begin with... v.v Botany and zoology are much superior to mircobiology. I like genetics because I find it terribly interesting. In particular genetic engineering (thank you MR... >.>)
No clue, it's like they actually expect kids who can get jobs (in the ghetto now, c'mon) to volunteer. I'm doing it mainly because good work experience, it looks nice on a resume, possible scholarships, and I love animals.