Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Denver is the city in the clouds or something like that. It sounds very poetic and pretty. And your mountains do sound lovely.

I love easy algebra. Which is weird since I loathe math but I like how you can always double check. Same with triangles and circles. :D

Before the age was like 14 or something but then they changed it and now I have to wait. Buggers.
The Mile High city. It's not that great. XD I mean, there are some places in CO that I adore, but I've lived here my entire life, and I'm sort of ready for a change. >.>

Agreed. :D I also love being able to program the functions into my calculator. It makes me feel accomplished. And magical. And whatnot. XDD

Aw, that's too bad. :\ There was this raptor rehabilitation center that I visited, but I can't volunteer there until I'm eighteen. Gah. I'll be far, far away by then. Dx
Sexual jokes! XDD It sounds nice though.

:O You can do the functions in your calculator? -Jealous-

I know. D: Balls. That sucks. Maybe it's more targeted towards uni students coming to Colorado than the ones already there?
XD It's surprising how little I actually hear those.

I have a couple over ten programs. *loves* And the entire periodic table is on there, which might be helpful for Chem next year...

Probably. It isn't very well known, though, so I'm not sure. :\
I've officially decided that the font "Papyrus" is obnoxious, and should be eliminated from all forum boards. Especially ones used for roleplaying. >.<'
>.> It's my third favourite font to use. . . .*has it defaulted for Meebo*
XD That font reminds me of you now, you know that?
XDD Win.
That's.... really disgusting.
*though, also hates anything that isn't TNR*
Papyrus is fug. And so is fucking Comic Sans.

Me, I like Times New Roman, but preferably Courier New :V
Agreed. I hate CS. x.x
D: I love Comic Sans.

But I only use it for non-professional things.

Homework and such will always be size 11 Times New Roman.


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