Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I had pancakes. And half a hamburger. And a lick of icing that almost made me puke.
Eating tost for brekkie at 3:30. I win..... but so do your waffles.
Yum, chocolate. :D

I just realized I actually have to go to school tomorrow.

And I have an assignment.

Whoa dude. I read "two years ago" and was like 'wtf I didn't even read MR two years ago.'

And then I realized I read MR way before then. And how much time I've wasted with it/its fandom...
I got bored and found this...

I'm glad to know that I have so many scholarship options in the future.

(I'm left-handed for the record.)
I'm right handed, completely, but I taught myself to write with my left and though it's messy it's better than most of my friends write with their dominant hand... does that count? XD
My dad is in a raging mood. He keeps yelling at me do do something "productive, for a change." Lulz, nah. It's quite easy to just ignore him with my headphones in, and he doesn't deserve the satisfaction.
Yey. Having fun screwing with HTML.
Watching Underworld. This is like, the fourth fifth? dark-ish themed movie I've watched in the past day and a half. XD
Okay, I didn't mind the first ten. But these next twenty are really pissing me off.

Screw you guys and your spam and your Quebec trip.

v.v I'm sorry.

*offers coffee and frozen yogurt? Tea and ice cream are getting old. And I actually have coffee and yogurt.*


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