Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Listening to a Jason Mraz song I have somehow managed to skip over on my iPod every time up until now.

He's so wonderful acoustic and live. <3
He's also wonderful in bed everywhere. He's just a wonderful guy like that.
Heh. *used to be obsessed* *still sort of is*
My sister says its wrong to think Marilyn Manson is hot. x.x

He's so dreamy though. xD
So apparently last night I Googled "hallucinate without drugs".
May I recommend dehydration?
The point was more that yet again I did something at night that I didn't remember the next morning. Last time this happened I put The Secret of NIMH on hold at the library.

I'll take a look.

Good news is that I got my laptop back, and the repair people accidently wiped my harddrive so I got all my viruses deleted, a kickass new security system, and-due to the casing being replaced as well-it's basically a brand new laptop, albeit not up to date in speed and battery life.

Bad news? I got my laptop back, and the repair people accidently wiped my harddrive.


All pictures? Lost. Half of my files? Lost. All hand made avvies, scanned pics, and funny saved pics? Mother. Fucking. Lost.

Fuck, does that mean you lost the TSPPD smiley?

With any luck, it won't be that hard to reproduce, but it still pisses me off. :\

It does mean, however, that I'll have to go with a different avvie until I stop being lazy.

Oh, and it took nine bloody hours to fully install the new software. What the hell?

Technology can be a bitch.


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