Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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(So it IS the one that Miles never shuts up about... Thanks.)
(Whoa, where else are you?)

(And yeah. He's apparently super-obsessive-active there. Like to the point that you and I and pretty much everyone else here were on MX kind of obsessive.)
(He used to talk about that one all the time, too. But he's not there much, because Laura's there. Laura as in, his girlfriend, so apparently it's awkward for him.)

Editeditedit: Ex-girlfriend. Not his girlfriend, that would be me... XD *fails at typing*
XD I told him that you were on Hex, he wanted to know what your u/n was.
*nods* He's never seen you. *thinks it would be funny/odd if you knew each other or something...*
Gonna go play Magiquest with a wand and stuff while I'm still at Myrtle Beach, then we gotta high-tail it out of here so I can go to a garden party. >.>
I want to play that but the rents are all "It's a waste of money" yadayadayada.
My breakfast of Champions:

Personal-size, frozen chicken potpie.

After it was in the microwave, I read the Nutrition Information: 38g of fat, for starters.

So....I'm not eating for the rest of the day. :P

Addiction is gooooooooood.

I will die. Seriously. Then it'll be your fault and you'll feel bad.
You could still be on here, though.



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