Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh dear. D:

Suckish moms suck.
Not my Social Studies project.

Which I should.

But ugh, Canadian politics are boring.

What if I were a Canadian politician? Then you'd be sorry.

You should seriously see some of the parties. They are utterly ridiculous.

You should lead one!

(Aaaand I'd still think it was boring. But then I'd demand you send meh money and benefits.)
Just finished watching Wizard of Oz.
I still think that Wicked was better.

*Total Wicked Squeefan*

I know all the songs by heart. Oh yes.
Finished packing. :D
I kinda want to use this guide
to jailbreak my iPhone 3GS. And I'm kinda scared that I'll screw everything up majorly...
-Also has iphone 3GS-

YOU. ARE. MY. TWIN. American style.

I swear.

Did you jailbreak yours?

No, my dad is against it since my brother (the moron) screwed up the other old one. But all the other ones we have are. Well except my parents'.

If you really want to you can I guess. It adds a lot but do not for the love of god, update it. That un-jailbreaks it. And then you have to find a new way to jailbreak it and just ugh. Bad stuff.

Mmm... How did he screw it up?

Oh dear. Yes, I knew that.


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