Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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^^ Oh, it's fun to write about, I'm just balls-out terrible at subtext... and thanks for the good luck wishes.
Pandora = Luff. :D
Yes, mine too are screwed. I woke up at 6. And I have been for the past week. Doesn't matter when I go to sleep or what day of the week it is. It's like my sleep decided to travel backward in time.
Even on school days?
I used to never wake up before 8:30. But I rarely sleep until 10am.
Yuck. My school is on the other side of town though. I'm one of the last stops on my bus.
Lucky. But I couldn't even be driven home. I always forget when my mom comes to pick me up from school.
Yeah, my mom was too. So she just lets me go on the bus now and stay home alone for a few minutes.
I have finals. But I'll study tomorrow. Or something. Whatever. But if you have to go, bye.
I have such strange dreams... o.0
Seriously? That would be so awesome! I once had a dream where I was a ninja. It was a fun dream.
Nice. My spanish teacher is possibly evil. She makes me sit next to this smelly kid in class. Good thing I don't have the best sense of smell, otherwize I'd be dying. And I can't even read in that class. She catches me every time!
Yes I would. That's... really strange. Do the same to them as they do to you.


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