Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I wake up everyday at 5:45 AM, I have been doing this since the beginning of May. Because 6:15 is no longer early enough for me. Since I got a new phone, I had to give my old ipod to my younger sister, I used to use that ipod as an alarm clock and now I'm stuck with the crappy iphone clock. So just incase I slept through the alarms (like she does >.>) I set three.

But nooooo.

Three alarms wake her up two hours before she has to so apparently I can only have one. And this entire week I've woken up late and pretty much missing shower time. Which isn't fucking fair at all because she wakes up at 7:30 and has someone wake her up. She doesn't even have an alarm clock. Which when she used to, she always slept through it and it'd go on for ten minutes at least. Instead of bitching I'd called, "Wake up."

She hasn't cleaned the room since that one time when we first moved in and when our Aunt made us clean everything. My side of the room is relavtively neat and orderly, I have one desk which holds all my paper crap, she's using my drawer and her two tables plus the top of the TV. Guess what? They're filled with crap.

Plus when she complains about something it's fine. She can go on and on and on. But when I do? No, shut up, you're not important enough to. Because hey, she doesn't give a fuck about whatever I ramble about but I have to for hers.

I could go on and on and on but I think you get the picture...
*offers tea*

Sorry, love. How is the iPhone alarm worse than the iPod alarm though? Could you try maybe just using two?

And, for the rest, just . . . good luck.
I hear ya. Except lately that person has been my ex-boyfriend, who comes over with all of my other friends and annoys the hell out of me to the point where I want to strangle him. As if I didn't already.

Just don't kill anyone. :\
(On Omegle. Because I was bored.)
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 18 female Oh, hi to you too.
You: Hi.
Stranger: male ? Why do you need to know?
You: The world may never know.
Stranger: what the fuck
Stranger: you dont know what you are ?
You: Lemme go check...
You: I'm 95% positive that I'm male. I'm not really, I just wanted to see if she would continue the conversation.
Stranger: how old Bingo.
Stranger: you real strange. fucked up person
Stranger: go get find a life Hypocrisy FTW!!
You: You're the one who wanted to come and chat with random strangers.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: m or f
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
(I know, I'm posting again.)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey asl
You: Old, yes, here.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Concrete evidence that Celeste is the Voice. So there.
Dude, this still freaks me out how much sense it makes.

I agree that it's the voice and that it makes Angel evil... I don't think it controls the plot, the romance of Fang and Max, or Angel's mind control, just that it's the voice(s).
Well, to be fair, I had a lot of fun with just making up a ton of crap that would be ridiculous. It's semi joking, semi serious.
I'm always semi joking. Even now.
I saw and replied.

It's still bizarre how well this works. I'm saving this as a secondary scenario, but I'm not regarding it canon just yet.
...Out of pure curiousity, what's your first scenario?


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