Me: "Ouch. I'm very much sunburned. v.v I hate being so effing pale."
Tim: "Oh, come on. there are lots of cool things about being pale."
Me: "Mhm, like what?"
Tim: "Um... Let's say there was this racist dude, and he hated Asians and Mexicans and Indians and Native Americans, and he went around killing them all. And you're at a sleepover with your super-tan friend and the creepy, racist dude comes in and looks at you and then kills your friend and not you. Just because you're so pale. Isn't that fucking amazing?"
Me: "O.o ... Uh huh ..."
Tim: "Plus you're beautiful."
Me: "You might have started with that... But the racist passover was cool too."
I like being pale. I spent hours at the lake today with some friends and was the only one who had put on sunblock. They all look like cooked lobsters now, and I still look like a vampire, except for my face is a little pink. ^-^
That wasn't in the original book. Carrol never gave an answer in the text because he didn't want there to be one, but in literature circles the accepted answer is "Because they both produce very flat notes"
I got the other one though. You don't need to be mad to see it, just good at spotting jokes.
The author didn't write that answer. And I'm not high, I just have a good imagination. I actually didn't take my Adderall today, so my ADD is taking over. :P