Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I think I'm gonna try an oil painting, because I have a few little oil paints, even though I've never tried oil paint before... I have no idea how to use them or how this is going to turn out. :D Hm, maybe I'll try painting a picture of those dead roses I've had in here for a year or two...


EDIT: Ok, I'm not "doing" Justin Beiber, that came out wrong... I'm watching his music video.
You are 12.
Oh my god I love oil paint... :DDD

And I've hardly even started this painting...
My dad never turns off the interwebz... not even at night. He knows I stay up later than him, so... yeah.
on the bus going to my first day back at work
I'm in a hormonal teenage mood. I just feel like yelling "Fuck this, fuck it fuck it fuck it!" even though things aren't THAT bad. I mean, I have food on the table and a nice house and one hellova nice computer, and I have the luxury of typing this at one in the morning. Things aren't so bad. But they're just... frustrating enough to make me upset. Only three days left of school though...

People in my grade STILL think I don't swear...
I remember a couple of months ago when everyone was freaking out because I said "What the hell?" XD It was hilarious.
I think I'm going to get a lot done today... :D

I've already gotten a shower and done a load of laundry, and now I'm going to paint until it actually looks like I've done some painting. I might even finish my fishy picture. I'll post a pic of it here if I do finish it. :D

I might even clean my room...
Father's Day is tomorrow isn't it?



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