*shrugs* Not really. I just have bad genes, as both my grandfather and father both were just as healthy as I am when they were my age...which is both depressing and horrifying.
Sorry about posting a new one again, I keep refreshing the page but it wont let me reply ><
That could be downt o any number of things though, from genetics to diet to lifestyle, or being prone to it and something else bringing it on. .-. I hope you stay healthy anyway
Woo, finally finished going through 7 days worth of posts on here....
Soo.... Hi? Anybody even notice I was gone?
Ugh, I signed up for French next year. the Guidance Counselor supposedly told my mom that they don't have a teacher for it this year and so I got put in Spanish. But they told my best friend that she is going to be in French next year. My mom wanted me to be in Spanish. She's the one who talked to the GC, not me. Hmmm....
Bleh. If they have a French class next year, I better be in it.
Nice. French is awesome. I would probably do it, but a sophomore in French 1? Not bloody likely. My girlfriend lieks it a lot though, and I'll stick with just shouting "Allons-y!". I hope someone gets what I'm doing that from.
I want to go to Europe someday, so I would like to learn French, and maybe Italian. But because Spanish is becoming so.... popular?... now, my parents want me to take it.
Dunno about you, but I like being able to learn languages where I can get on an airplane tomorrow morning and get off it in a place where they natively speak said language.
Also I hold some bitterness for Latin. There's still a tendency to try and impose its weirdass rules on our wonderfully nonsensical English.