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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Summer's going by waaay too fast... I find myself not being bored at all, surprisingly. I actually don't think I'll get half of the stuff done that I was hoping to this summer, and I haven't been lazy at all compared to what I thought I would be... o.0
Chapter 8

Which contains some familiar dialogue.

So, apparently, I'm missing fifteen HW assignments in my summer school class.

Given the fact that most of the assignments are verbally given and we never go over them in class, I had pretty much no idea.


And, to boot, the teacher phoned the rent's.

Not pretty...
We lost! That sucks. :( And we had a pretty good chance of winnign this year, too...
Trying to think of a connection between Antigone and The Kite Runner without actually reading the books.

Kind of hard...

Reading the books wouldn't make it too much easier not that I've read Kite Runner, but, I saw the movie, so, assuming the storyline is basically the same.... Does it have to be those two books?

I guess, they both look at the relationships between father and son. Uh, they examine what one one is morally bound to do. Realising you need to make amends only once it's too late. That's all I can think of at the moment... But, it has been years since I saw Kite Runner...
Antigone and Kite Runner...

In both cases the main character did something that other people decided shouldn't be done, but was morally just. As an example, the main character in kite runner was obviously told that messing with the Taliban was a bad idea, but he did it anyway to save his friend's son. Similarly, Antigone was trying to give that one person (Oedipus?) a proper burial, despite the ruling of the governing system.
Oh. Gosh.


Help. Me.
*Throb* *Throb* *Throb*

That's my head. Because of the 3 SCREAMING NINE-YEAR-OLDS!!!

If they touch my guitar, they will all die.
Watching The Lovely Bones. This is the only movie that really makes me cry...
Twilight does that for me. D:


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