Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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@Contra: -Nods- I really like their jeans which is why that's pretty much all I have. Although I think they're all skinny jeans...

Oooh sounds pretty. The camis are nice though, and when on sale after Christmas EVERYTHING is super cheap which is great.

@Hannah: XD They are pretty short. And I have short legs so... My friend is tall with long legs and the jeans that fit her waist are too short, and it's funny when my mom wears them because they go up to her ankles.
Yep, for serious. That's how their established date is so damned early; there was no douche-teen market back then, but hell if there isn't now.

I have not bought new jeans in years. The newest item of clothing I own is a Metal Gear t-shirt. Where do I normally shop? Goodwill.

My mother does want to take me trouser-shopping soon. I don't own anything that really fits that isn't a dress or skirt.
O.o Woah... A pity they don't sell the useful things now. And those kids back then clearly had a sense of style.

I hate used stuff. I'm a germaphobe so....

XDD Get new clothes Nathan.
No, kids were expected to act like more of adults :V No room for just being a douche (unless you were a young man at college, in which case party down).
Goodwill. ^.^

I love buying things secondhand - books, clothes, CDs...

In this case, it's because the clothes are cheap. And pre-washed, which is good. (If they fit in the dressingroom, they'll fit when I get home...) And no ridiculous sales where I have to find two or three items to get a discount...
The people working on my kitchen are foreign. I think they might be speaking German.

This is interesting. :D
Hating my lactose intolerance, since I just ate a bucket load of chocolate with dairy in it .-. tummy s'plosion

Do you have any medicine you can take?
:| Sorry, man.

I'm beginning to suspect that either I have mild lactose intolerance (hey, it runs in the family) or a really sensitive, pissy stomach.
I just drew a running horse, and it looks decent.

*proud* :D

Especially since I drew it backwards from the way I normally do - head on the right, body first.
Made the mistake of clicking into rainymood. Oh god. I may fall asleep.


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