...There should be websites devoted to demotivational quotes.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Where you’ll burn to death in an infinitely painful inferno. Mind, even if you do hit the moon, you’ll die of oxygen starvation regardless, so it’s not that big a deal in the long run.
When life gives you lemons, make lemon juice. Which is incredibly sour and difficult to drink. You can’t make lemonade with only lemons.
If at first you don’t succeed, your next attempts will probably be more or less the same.
It’s incredibly difficult to commit suicide. I’ve never met anyone who’s succeeded.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “I didn’t fail the test. I just found one hundred ways to do it wrong.” Big fucking deal. I can think of at least a thousand ways to fail at making a lightbulb. Being Benjamin Franklin is a hundred of them.
Watching TV. Im Really Bored because my brother is at camp...='/
Oh, and I'm mad. I just ssaw that friend who is like, into drama, got onto my account here. She is the one who added the picture of me and my baby cousion, and said I was "sitting on the couch crying my eyes out." I don't cry over a picture. Ever. Just wanted to make it clear I didnt put that up. Just saying. She is such a drama queen and loves to act and do thing t\like that, my friend I mean, and she loves my baby cousion Zach, so yeah, sorry.
Because I kept forgetting to update. I've had several chapters and been all '*laaaate* Here you go, I guess', since the one/few before Miles's return was a cliffhanger. XD
I feel bad for being pissed at my dad, but I don't see why he decided to "skip a day" for the medicine on my first day off. We're supposed to do it once a month, and I did it Saturday anyway, and I slept till 12 because of it, which pretty much ruined my morning. Considering it didn't exist.
My six year old nephew almost completed two sides of a Rubik's Cube with no outside help in about ten minutes, having never seen a Rubik's Cube in his life before.
XDD My friend has the 9x9 and ones in different shapes. He's genius with it. We'll spend 1-2 periods mixing it up and he'll have it done in >2mins. So cool to watch. He was even getting the whole 'look at it for a few seconds and then blind fold yourself' down, too. Slower, but he seldom messed up. *jealous of the skills*