Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

hi. i am travelling all over the internet to spread the love. i am a christian, and hopefully you are too. i am not here to try to convert you if you are not a cristian, though if you would like to be converted ill happily help. 

i am here to speak to the people who are already christians. we need to stand together and fight. if you have an atheist or agnostic or something else bad friends, leave them behind now. 

thank you and god bless you all.

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@Last line. At almost 200 posts and climbing, seems your wish has been granted.
One question, what kind of person do you believe the average atheist/agnostic to be?
there bad people who dont believe in god and they can do whatever they want and its okay to them because they have no morals.
I don't believe in God... but I have morals. Also, you don't even capitalize 'God' or 'Christian,' yet I do...
no you dont
Now, what proof do you have to support that conviction?
it just is!
... So, how are we staying to the ground? We just are.

How did David Copperfeild make the Statue of Liberty disappear? He just did.

In baseball, what relation does the movement of an arm swinging a bat have to the speed and direction of a ball? No relation, one just happens despite the other.

Saying that something "just is" isn't an acceptable answer. There's always a reason behind something.
...unless it's "what the hell is this shit under my fingernails".

It just appears, I swear. <.>
Hi, my name is Nathan and I'm gayer than a handbag full of rainbows. I'm also your neighborhood mod., I'm not Christian. Albeit church architecture is fuckin gorgeous :3
My mod-sense started tingling, and I felt I needed to put in an appearance, if nothing else.
Pretty much.

...wait, that's a great idea. Brb, teatime!


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