Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

hi. i am travelling all over the internet to spread the love. i am a christian, and hopefully you are too. i am not here to try to convert you if you are not a cristian, though if you would like to be converted ill happily help. 

i am here to speak to the people who are already christians. we need to stand together and fight. if you have an atheist or agnostic or something else bad friends, leave them behind now. 

thank you and god bless you all.

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But girls are so damn hot!

...hasta la vista, next time you're around I'll bring by more pretty architecture. More fun than arguing.
Bye! See you later!

And Lampo isn't gonna stop being friends with me, sorry dear. She's not allowed to.
XDD You do own me, afterall.

I won't. Ever.
Holy fuckshit. *totally missed this*

Like, you're joking, right? This whole discussion is a joke...?
:/ My leader said the same thing. 'Course, it's great to be all holy and stuff, but I haven't been one of those, uh, narrow-minded Christians since last year. But, okay, whatever floats your boat. I had fun reading this thread. :]
Faith in humanity=lost.

Welcome to the site.
While I appreciate the thought behind your OP (offering psychological outlets is always a nice thing, both for the user and persuader; Disney makes millions off of it every year), I may as well point out (unless you've noticed already) that the site is already made mostly of the people that you feel negatively about, and most of them are already of a group of people that routinely thrash what most consider to be generally accepted ideas. To help you understnad this further, I'd like to send you to THIS THREAD (ah, the nostalgia!).
So again, while I appreciate the effort, this particular place really isn't interested in buying at the moment.
If you wish to talk about anything else, or have any questions about the site in general, feel free to ask.

@Everyone else: Nice to see that your time away from MDW-without-mods hasn't made you rusty, I'd been wondering for several months what you'd do if this situation came up.
Talk about architecture ._.

...more like, make popcorn and watch the fur fly.
thank you but im going to stand by jesus.
Feel free, it's just that the other people here are already set in their beliefs, and while your attempt at marketing is appreciated, your persistence is not.
*wails like an off-key cat* STAAAAAAAAAND BY MEEEE

Aw, no, wait, that's Lean on Me. Never mind.


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