The Bioshock movie is at about the same place the MR movie is (read as: circling the toilet bowl) but yeah, game three takes place some number of years earlier, the scenery and characters are different, and where the last two games showed the issues of ultracapitalism and ultracommunism this one is supposed to show the issues of ultrapatriotism.
Go get the first Bioshock, the thing is on almost every console and PC, and it's easy enough that I, the sort of person who normally gets bulldozed in an FPS, was able to complete it in less than a week. Or, if you can't do that, at least go and watch a video walkthrough.
Permalink Reply by Dual on August 17, 2010 at 1:54pm
"*points* IMPOSTER!!!! Mr. Kay used to be all cool, and his profile information was different!!!! He said that he hates TV shows and games, and Mr. Kay didn't say "Long live big brother" every time he said something!!!! And, you don't know what a game is? Mr. Kay said some game and then he said, "hell yes." You know, there was an imposter of Biba, too. If your really Mr. Kay, tell me who Biba is. *eyes you suspiciously* "
It's so cute when the minor antis get all up in your face, isn't it?
Permalink Reply by Dual on August 17, 2010 at 2:13pm
Just finished Unseen Academicals by Pterry.
Not only was it better than most of his books, and not only was it had Mr. Nutt. Mr. Nutt is one of my favorite characters in existance.