If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have a choice: We had this mish-mash Algebra 1-ish course in 8th grade, and the teacher had to recommend you for either A1 or Geometry the next year based on your math skills (or lack thereof... how I was recommend to Geometry I'll never know). Woo tiny private K-8. So I'm stuck with this. x.x
You guys being so damn smart is really fucking up my self-image. I'm homeschooled. I have nothing else to compare myself to. Even stupid people can always find stupider people to make themselves feel smarter...
>.> I spent two consecutive years in pre-algebra. Failed Geometry and one of the two Trigonometry combo classes. Switched out of Trigonometry/Precalculus into the easiest senior math class in the school and barely graduated...
I'm going to fail maths, if it's any consolation :D
I'm not even in the advanced maths, though, I should really be in the dumb maths. Or not doing maths at all. Probably the latter since I don't actually need it, just enjoy torturing myself for some reason.