Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Writing a ridiculously depressing story. Might make it a novel.

It's about a guy who actually realizes that he's fictional. In short, the fourth wall is utterly broken.


Thou must share.
Blablablablbla, I will become a lesbian just to piss off all the people that like me. xD

Thats how great I feel right now. x.x
Care to elaborate?
I was killing myself trying to reach the length limit on my first essay of the year.

Then I realized that I hadn't double spaced it yet. >.>

And I finally got my phone back. ^-^

And for future reference, if you're a line judge from the OTHER SIDE of the court who thinks they saw if a ball went inside or outside of the antenna, you have no business calling something that happened on the OTHER SIDE.
Waiting for registration.

I waited an hour for the registration line on the 30th and was told to come today at 8:30. I have waited yet another hour and shall have to wait another. Yay.

I don't really like this place. >.>

I swear to god if I have ti do gym I'm going to kill something.
Never mind. I'm constantly being sheperaded through schools who tell me I can't attend there.

Edmonton has a lot of lovely schools though.
Most college freshmen can't get any good classes because registration has been open to all the residing students since May. If you're talking about high school though, that sounds pretty rough.
Yep, she's talking high school. >.>
>.> I am.

I'm constantly being told I'm too far away (like a minute out of the boundry) and that since the schools are full they can't say yes to me. However, the one I'm supposed to go to is actually farther than the other ones in the city.

We have it sorted out though. Move to a different RV park, the manager's son actually goes to my shiny new school. ^^
Okay, so apparently I'm a Dungeon Master now.


I have never really played an actual game of D&D before, and somebody brought it up at lunch because of a discussion about the races and stuff in WoW... So they asked if anyone's played before, and my mom used to be a DM, so I was assigned the job. So, now, I'm researching hit points and experience points and what kind of dice I need and how to play God, basically, but with numbers. I'm not good with numbers. D: I think we're going to have to start an after-school club or something, because twenty minutes a day for lunch is nowhere near enough time to work on a campaign.

I'm terrified, because I have no idea what I'm doing. God this is fun though... If only I could be this interested in my actual schoolwork...
It isn't so much numbers as simple addition-subtraction and probability. As an example of your job, imagine this scenario:

You: You're standing in front of a seemingly bottomless cliff, and you hear water roaring somewhere way down there.

Player: LOL, I'm gunna jump!

Your job now becomes to assess the probability of their survival. So let's say you've decided the chances of them surviving the fall are about 1 in 100, without even talking about the damage.

You: Well, if you want to do that, You'd need to role a ten-sided die twice and get 0 both times to actually survive the fall, and even if you do, you'll probably get hurt. Still want to jump?

In short, the role of the dungeonmaster is like being an overlord of an RP. You develop a world and storyline, but you use probability and math to make it more real and prevent Rambo-esque Sue characters that just burn through everything with their Pretty Pink Death Ray.

I did a very abbreviated and basic stint as a DM a few years ago, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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