Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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:D I'll post the first chapter up here when I finish with it. I assure you, it's bringing the lulz.

I just TV troped it. And...while they're different enough for it to not neccesarily be considered a downright copy, methinks I shouldn't continue.

For the record, most of my characters angst comes from not wanting his entire world to die as a result of the story ending, not his death itself per se.
Yeey. ^_^

No, you needn't stop. They're different, and you haven't seen the movie, anyway.

...Allright. Course, now I want to see it, just 'cause it sounds interesting. Damn it.

Oh, and third story: A rather good person dies, and, despite all logic, is sent to hell. See, God made a trade with the devil-one good soul for twenty not good, not bad souls. As it turns out, the good man's eternal punishment is to work as a private eye-to be forever forced to work tirelessly in the fields of pain, exposed to the most evil people and punishments imaginable. As he struggles to survive his torment, he comes to realize the purpose of the trade-not to get twenty bad souls out, but to get one good soul in. Deciding to make a difference, he heads forward, attempting to spread a little good in a place of pure evil.

^---Basically, a novel like the Nightside and The Dresden Files, only set in hell and the main characters only supernatural power is his straight from the heart goodness.

To all three, btw.


Happy now.
I just got rick rolled.

Over the phone.
I have determined that I now am in a band called Gay For Science.

First album will be Issues Solved By Pie (And Handjobs), with single "Boners IN SPACE (Space Boners mix)".

thanks a fuckload, Ni

thanks a fuckload
Pie, or pi?
I'd tap buy that.
Trying/failing to sing. c:
I should never get into political debates this late at night. ._.

Curse you, Facebook.


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