I used to want trenchcoats, and then realized that I live in Colorado...
Besides. The best I can aim for realistically is "Dana Scully's slightly taller doppleganger" and/or "the cute one". I can't pull off crazy / menacing.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on September 2, 2010 at 2:35pm
If I can ever freaking finish the bloody download...
I start my reading Harry Potter in French journey. It will be bloody and difficult and I might kill something and get frustrated a lot, but I shall finish them... Hopefully.
In the meantime, hoooollllyyy shit. I have a lot of books to read.
I dunno. We could do 'lesson' bits. Like someone could explain the numbers. Someone could do basic greetings. Someone days of the week etc. And then build up from there?
I'm reading The Odyssey in English and I don't understand what's going on at all. My teacher hasn't explained anything at all. Yes, I'm in a higher level class but teachers should, you know, teach.
Also, I absolutely hate my World History teacher. He doesn't teach either. He just gives us really stupid assignments and hard-to-understand note packets. We have a test tomorrow. I'm screwed.