Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Because poetry is subjective, so as long as the wording is partial and vague, the teacher will think it's modern poetry.

I still love how last semester I took two phrases and just messed around with the wording until one became the other. The class spent almost an hour discussing it. At the end I told them that there was no creative effort involved and they were all shocked.
Poetry can be really easy.

Or really hard.

You know, depending on if you care about the integrity of your work.
I like my vague, half-metaphorical jumble of words. XD
Jeffrey Dahmer was messed up. O.o
...I'm going to get crucified for my portrayal of God, won't I?
Not by me, at least. I dunno how easily people would be offended by a different representation of their divine leader. >.>
I'm portraying him as a total asshole who could give Light Yagami lessons in the, "Just as planned," field.

Also, Jesus-well, sort of-is flamboyant and ambiguously gay.
I know that's a Death Note reference, but I've never seen the anime nor read the manga. But I'll take your word for it. >.>

Ahaha. XD

This shall be interesting.
Ahahahaha... That ought to be interesting....
...My computer is playing music. From one of my iPod playlists. Because I set it to. However, iTunes is not opened, nor is any other music application/website.



Don't question good things, Contra.
That's what I do. D:


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