I tried out for a play and got a minor part, so now I have to show up to rehearsals and stuff for it like everyone else. Well, being in a play is extremely time-consuming, and I have not even gotten to start on either of my two Govt/Econ projects that are due tomorrow, and now have about an hour to finish. D: Not to mention that my ADD meds have long since worn off, so this is a big problem...
I have a strong feeling that He is trying to win me back. I mean, I am inept at guys, but when someone goes from never talking to you to chatting with you constantly and littering his speech with <3s, (and following old patterns) I can be relatively sure..
But I'm smarter this time. This just gives me an opportunity to make him feel stupid.
I still want to know what the fuck his motives are...
I have countless homework assignments due tomorrow for Econ and Bio, and a test in AP American History, so I'm staying up late tonight and can't afford to skip. :(
Permalink Reply by Omega on September 10, 2010 at 1:36pm
Our classes are compulsory - don't go and you fail.
I've missed one day - Monday this week actually. You can take a couple of days off (sick/funeral/competitions etc.), but our course co-ordinator is pretty harsh.
Ok, so all I have left to do is study for the test tomorrow, print out my poster, and write a letter to Wal-Mart telling them how bad they are for our economy. I think I can do that in the morning. I'm already up an hour later than usual for a school night. x.x