Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

[Edited Because I Fracking Can]

Welcome to the Secret Confessions thread. Beyond the pure anonymity of the internet, there lies a certain level of understanding behind all the accounts here on FF. The SC account carries burden of allowing the user to give a candid, private confession with (hopefully) understanding feedback. The SC thread is for other posters to give kind and/or helpful advice, words of empathy, or a secret of their own (under the SC name or not).

This account is a group account, and EVERYONE needs to treat it respectfully. By posting under the Secret Confessor, you are pledging to refrain from hate mail, "finger-pointing", insulting and being a jerkface. By posting in the SC thread, you are pledging to keep the comments respectful. This has not yet been a problem, but it's nice to have written down "just in case".

If you would like to use the SC account for ANY reason beside posting in this thread, please PM me- even if it's under the SC name (this is not to exert authority, but to maintain order over a very accessible account).

Thank you!

Password: secret

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I feel pretty much exactly the way I imagine you do, except under slightly different conditions. :\
Unless there's someone you know there, don't go.

And if you do go, avoid anything they offer you to put in your mouth (drinks, foods, cigarettes, etc).
What? She's going to a party, not clubbing. And she's like 12. Last time I checked the only things they're putting in your mouth at those parties are party pies, and soft drink. I know it may be with the 'popular' group, but still...
I've talked with a less refined sort and heard all kinds of interesting stories. No clue what kind of people Tally's being asked to join.
Oh, wow... *maybe slightly sheltered* *still doesn't need to worry about that* Unless there's punch, and that's simply because they don't now how to make and put in like 4 bottles of vodka, as opposed to purposely being harmful.

Tally is from a small town, and a rich state. Chances are, it's less likely at her age. But in my old neighborhood it wasn't uncommon to hear fifth graders talk about how totally high/drunk they were. It's freaking ridiculous. I am strongly against it personally.

@Talleh: Well, if you know at least one person and you happen to enjoy spending time with that person then it's okay. I went to a party after semi. Almost everyone drank and I told them all off I got a lot of dirty looks. XDDD mainly I went to laugh at idiots, which there were a lot of. I actually got a couple of laughs one girl faked being really drunk very convincingly, twas rather funny but at your age I doubt anything will be laced with alchohol or anything like that. If that's the case, and you feel uncomfortable get out. Call your parents or ask whoever you came with to leave. Also, if there IS drinking, making sure they're quiet. Best not to bug the neighbors and get cops involved... If they aren't, again, leave.
Dude, what are party pies?

@Tally: Go, have fun. But if at any point you feel uncomfortable though, be willing to call for a ride.
What do you mean, what are party pies? They're pies, but little, so they make good finger food that kids will eat, and so are often served at parties. Hence the name.

Dude, what the hell do they serve you at kids parties? No fairy bread, no party pies, you probably don't have chocolate ripple cake either....
XD Generally we'll have a default of pizza.

Though, seriously, I wish we did fairy bread here. When we tried that at a picnic, it was utterly brilliant.
Just to be sure, these party pie things are different from, say, cupcakes or Twinkies, right?
I thinking like, frozen fried finger foods...
Do you not have meat pies in America? Pastry, much the same shape as an apple pie (I know you have those), but not sweet, and filled with meat. Those, but small enough to be held by little hands. And definitely not fried


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