Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We don't mean to show a bias... >.>

Yeah, doesn't really fit the skit. And yes it was as awesome as I thought it would be. Thought the rest of the skit kinda failed....

And... *Brain implodes* EndOf likes Wicked?! :DD
Realized today.

I miss MX. Not because I can't go there, I've surprisingly never been banned, or even warned. It's just...
Flockforum (needs an abbreviation, even though FF won't work) even though it's awesome, isn't the same. There aren't any n00bs or Squees to bitch out correct. *Wonders if anyone remembers that one Squee with the flowers user pic that joined here and we ranted on her for days* That's what I miss most. New Sanes and Antis to influence, new Squees to argue with. I was really only on the good MX for a couple months, before everyone got banned. It was, without question, the best couple of months of my life. The forum... ripe with indignant fangirls. Flockforum's got all my friends, but what have we except for talking about our sucky real lives, and the occasional plan to indirectly screw with MDW. What happened? If you guys think that it was awesome before the mods came, and I thought it was that great afterward... *Sigh* Does anyone still miss the real MX?
My science teacher's racist. :/ She hates me and I hate her, so it's all working out.
I... don't miss it anymore.

I used to miss it, but now, eh. I didn't lose anything which took me forever to realize. I mean, I still have most of my friends from there, and the ones I don't see anymore, their disappearances had nothing to do with all of the bannings and whatnot. So, I've nothing to miss, personally.

Sorry. But no.

(Also, re:abbreviation, I call it "Z's." Originally "Z's Site," but some of us are really lazy.)

I double posted and it keeps going under Py's reply. This is supposed to be to TigerChild... And it won't delete...
I... don't miss it anymore.

I used to miss it, but now, eh. I didn't lose anything which took me forever to realize. I mean, I still have most of my friends from there, and the ones I don't see anymore, their disappearances had nothing to do with all of the bannings and whatnot. So, I've nothing to miss, personally.

Sorry. But no.

(Also, re:abbreviation, I call it "Z's." Originally "Z's Site," but some of us are really lazy.)
(Z's? *Plans to use that from now on*)

It's not that I necessarily miss anyone, I more just miss the feeling. I dunno, you're probably right, all I did was complain when I was still a part of it, but still.
I miss having lulz on MX, but y'know, I'm doing okay without it.
I don't so much miss that as the discussions that it would spur. I mean, there used to be some really GOOD ones. Now they rarely even bring up the series, and when they do, it's about the romantic aspect.
Exactly. Every single featured discussion is almost always something like, "DYLAN VS FANG??!!!!!" Although I have to applaud you for occasionally creating a featured discussion that doesn't attract one-liner all caps responses.
I miss the drama, I need to stir some up again somehow.
I'll help, if you want.
Got any decent ideas to cause drama? I've used the few I had.


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