Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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...eeeexcept most of the anti-fans did not much worse than comparatively gentle mocking, in-depth thinking about plot points, giggly crack-theorizing, or write gay fanfic about the series.
Exactly. What did I do? Well, one time I organized a prank. We all had the same name and pic.

We got banned.

Second time! I got pissed off at somebody because they made all men out to be stupid, sports loving, brainless gits obsessed with sex.

I got banned.
Yeah, I know. Antis aren't trolls any more than the fans are. But the mods have a slightly different perception of what constitutes as disruption. And they're the ones who run the site.
True. (Those whores).

I would safely estimate, however, that they're making a... bad decision. I dunno about others, but I class myself as an antifan... and I've spent a good deal of money and time on the Maximum Ride franchise. More, I daresay, than the majority of squees do :\

Then again, I am probably an outlier.
IE, going against the status quo and getting people upset with, gasp, opinions.

Oh noes. Not opinions.
@Nathan - A bad decision by making antis unwelcome, you mean? Unfortunately, you've already spent the money. >.> But I'm not sure the mods care about JP's treasure haul so much as they care about keeping the forums clean to their expectations.

And taking over entire threads with conversation. >.>

But yeah, pretty much. Most of the "antis" on TTS who are still there are the ones who don't actually argue the books. >.<'
Yeah, that's about it. ...and I keep up with the manga at least, and find myself buying the books when they come out (goddammit).

It's the internet, also. They're blessed in that they've never been goatse'd.
It wouldn't surprise me if they had been. XD Even if not publicly...
Well, your account there still exists. And they've got pretty good memories.

*is never mentioning anything GO/Mraz related there ever again*

I think you'll either have to come back blatantly like you'd planned, or wait a while and make a new name.
I feel kind of guilty about coming back blatantly-they're just doing their jobs, which I suppose isn't saying much when you take into account that the same could be said about the Nazis. But still.
...Yeah, I dunno. It worked for me, but you're unwilling to ask for your account back, so... I'd just say come back in a while with a new face. Which has worked before...
>_> I don't want a new face. I want an old face. And I'm not really afraid enough of them to actually refrain from coming back as Mr. Crowley.

I have my personal reasons for not asking politely. Mostly, stubbornness, but there is some logic thrown in there.

Stupid guilt. Stupid conscience.


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