Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Although in doing that, wouldn't you get your account on MDW banned?
Whatever the hell it was that got me thrown out at the end of April... yeah, I wish it hadn't happened. I put all of my fucking personality into that account. >.<' I know what you mean...

Yeah, I know. I'm not saying you should; you've said you won't before and I respect that.
I don't care about MDW anymore. *shrugs* I've found a new roleplay site. 'Sides, if they make the connection, I'll applaud them. They'd need memories of steel. I don't care if it doesn't make sense, in my world you can have steel memories, OK?.

Ah, I'd no idea if you were involved on the site at all or not. XD M'kay.
Pretend to be a different gender from a different state / country. Tailor the times you come online (it worked for Light, it will work for you). Drastically alter your writing style; learn chatspeak and use it. Imitate squees.

As last resort / extra seasoning, pretend you do not natively speak English. You are interacting on an English-language site to improve your writing and reading.
Hell, if I go back there, it's going to be as me. When they delete an account, I make a new account. Simple as that. I don't care if they know who I am.

I'm twice as stubborn as any one of them.

Thanks, but I'm sick and tired of having to pretend to be someone else.
*nodnod* I'm a giant wuss. Good luck.
Just a couple of my favourite places:

Dildo, Newfoundland.
Fucking, Austria.
Blow-Me-Down, Newfoundland.
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Hell, Michigan.
Hell, Norway.
Boring, Oregon.
Waikikamukau is a favourite for NZ.
Arguing genetics. :S
Nail polish remover under hangnails REALLY FUCKING HURTS.

*does not recommend*
Acetone <.>
Finished my essay, which took forever because Myspace kept taunting me to get on. c:

My grandmother was not happy.


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