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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*Hates politics* DX
In Colorado,the race for Governor is going superbly. Nobody really knows anything about the democratic candidate, John Hickenlooper, except that he was endorsed by just about every democratic politician in the state. Meanwhile, the Republican candidate, Dan Maes, just narrowly one the primary because, despite no experience whatsoever, he didn't seem as corrupt as the other candidate, who plagiarized a speech. Well, it turns out that Maes stole hundreds of dollars from a bank account of a woman in her eighties, and later, to 'pay her back,' gave her a conveniently signature-less check. Yeah. So basically the democratic candidate is a rich douche with friends in all the right places and the republican steals from old ladies to pay for his campaign.

I might have to support the independent.
I need to write an essay on why I should go to the Ganhdi Youth Conference.

Somehow I don't think, "Because I want a free lunch and I like yoga" is a good reason.
Because you "recognize in [your]self the emotional turmoil typical of most teens" and you wish to go "to find some sense of internal peace and solidarity."
I would /love/ to switch brains with you. I could be in possession of Teh Epicness for a day. :D

A little sloppy around the title area, but otherwise not bad :3
I threw it together on MS paint...result of too much free time and a lack of effort.
I've spent many unproductive hours faux-Photoshopping on Paint ._. It made me a perfectionist.
...I don't get it.

Like, the book? The company?
"Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!"?
I'm supposed to write a Jabberwock-esque poem for Creative Writing. And then memorize and present it. The latter is just... no, and the former I haven't begun. I think I'll just turn it in late. Instead of working on it, I shall amuse myself on Twitter and with my algebra homework. What fun is to be had this evening.
I am 'Going To Be Productive!' (TM) this weekend.

I have exams in six weeks and I want to have a whole lot more flying under my belt by the time December 4th comes around.


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