Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Somewhere a programmer must have messed up.
Whut thee feck
I discovered why there were so many police cars outside my dorm two nights ago.

Someone got shot in the Ride Aide across the street.
Responding to the are-you-dead email...

And watching Red Dwarf.
New people. :O

They're everywhere.

Yes, I understand the hypocrisy of this statement as it is clearly me who is the new one, and they are just simply so old that I would not remember them, but in the same way that young children think of Alvin And The Chipmunks as being a new concept, to me these people are new. And old. Like, nold.

Hallo, nold people. :3
I tried to log in one day, and it was gone.

Facebook fears my internetting ninja-ness and had to get rid of me. >:)
*nods* 'Tis, grasshopper. We must raise forces against it.!/profile.php?id=1242440623

Friend me on here. Just don't cuss if you're commenting on something or posting on my wall. I'll hide your status updates for safety. Otherwise, it should be fine.
I've never seen Star Wars. I was thinking ninja forces,

Cue :O faces and o.o faces and all caps responses.
Eh. Fnar. I was raised on Star Wars (literally; it's one of my earliest memories, as is Star Trek: The Motion Picture), but I know that's not the case for everyone.

And that SOME PEOPLE think Picard (or anyone else) is better than Kirk.

They can just go die >:
Eh, Picard was a more intellectual guy around the negotiations table, but Kirk was the more intellectual guy in a war-scenario. They balance out, I suppose.
Just did a bias test for psych.
Apparently, I prefer young people only slightly to old people, grouping me with 16% of the tested population.
So apparently we don't actually get HBO... which means my plans of spending my Sunday night with Boardwalk Empire are going to get awkward.


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