Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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But I am little.

-5'2. In one month shall be 15-
Little as in young.

...the only thing I really regret in life is that I am not taller. Five foot five? Who the fuck are you kidding?
*about to be 6'2''*
Shut up Patrk. >.> You're even taller than my brother (5 fucking 11), my dad, 6 bloody feet, and that really tall guy in my class who looks comical standing beside me at freaking 6'1. Go loose your shins. You're too tall.

@Nathan: Well, I'm nearly two years younger... Technically I can be considered FRESHMAN!

O.O Five five?! DUDE. You're tall. By my standards. -Would kill to be three inches taller-
I am just below average height :\ Both my parents are exactly average height.

My little brother will probably stop growing around five foot ten.

Or, just my luck, he'll be like six and a half feet tall.
You're parents didn't have that supposedly completely accurate measurement done when you and your brother were born to see how tall you'd be, approximately?
My parents did that. *is supposed to get to be 5'8''-ish* *is about 5'5'' currently*
Uh, I believe that's measure-your-two-year-old, double-the-height.

Don't think it works, or I'd be taller.

I used to hope that I'd wind up about five foot ten or so, but I kind of lost hope once I was explicitly told "yep you've stopped growing". So I'll be short forever.

Same, Contra. Exactly the same.

And my sister is supposed to be taller than me, but I'm hoping they were wrong on that count too.
XD Strange.
Wait, wut. The new Skulduggery Pleasant book came out. *terribly curious*
There's a new one :?

...I'm on TV Tropes, so I wouldn't know if Denver exploded right now.


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