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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yeah, came out on the first of this month.

TV Tropes is a black hole.
Writing my Aff. :P
Affirmative speech for my debate this weekend. And then I need to finish my Neg (negative). I'm sort of nervous, but sort of excited at the same time. This is my first time legitly writing my own speech >.> and it's coming along alright...

I'm also a pretty good debater, by normal standards. I haven't done too much, but I've been steadily getting better :)
Oh, well good luck with your debate, hopefully you have more confidence than me, the two times we did debates in HS I made sure to volunteer to be the researcher.
Having insight into my life and personal problems due to TV Tropes.

Yep, time for bed.
(My science fundamentals class today)

It’s an old-school cliché
That we know really well
That students in college
Just don’t give a hell
But regardless of this
We must always be fair
And rightly acknowledge
That reason is there.

But what happened today
Made me stop and give thought
And wonder if students
Are WORSE than we’re taught.

I walked into my class
As I usually do
I took off my coat
And I sat in row two,
Though I was a bit tense
Perhaps even afraid
For today all of us
Would get back our first grade

The professor walked in
and he showed us it all
with a very long list
(oh, boy, it was tall).

My grade as it happened
Appeared right on top
And fortunately for me
It wasn’t a flop
For of twenty five questions
I got right twenty three
(For even a geek
Is not perfect, you see)
But as the professor
Made his scroll down the sheet
I was met with a surprise
A sheer mass of defeat

For of those who got As
Five total were lent
In a class of 154
That’s hardly a percent
And I started to cringe
Where the first digit dropped free
Through a quick calculation
The class average was D.

I am not a professor
Have no science degree
But things like that average
I just should not see
And the class thought so to
For they began to complain
And the arguments wrought
Further wracked me with pain.
it was there on the board!
Yet your answer was WHAT?
You’re kidding, good lord!
And he gave us all that info
On the first day of class
And with this kind of case
You still expect to pass?
Scientific Statements
can be proven false
so an answer of C
should have given no halts
For we’ve been to the moon
We can do it with ease
And then prove or disprove
If it’s made up of cheese
Knowing facts it is true
Is very adroit
But if you cannot apply them
Is there really a point?

So do me this favor
You won’t have to flail
Read your notes in a while
And don’t be so FAIL!

I must have been inspired, that took less than half an hour to write.
I suppose that's one way you could put it.
Revision: I went back and rechecked the percentages listed.

As you know, 23/25 = 92% Which means that for anyone else to have gotten an A, they would need to have gotten a twenty-three or higher.
Number of people who got a 25: 0
Number of people who got a 24: 0
Number of people who got a 23: 1
That's right, I got the only A in the class.

How about Bs?
Number of people who got a 22: 0
Number of people who got a 21: 2
Number of people who got a 20: 6

Then, there's the number of people who got a single digit scores, that's a score of 36% or less.

XD Well done.

And lovely poem.
Benefits of online English class:

- Can go to class in fuzzy robe with bedhead.
- So easy I could do it in my sleep.
- Get to write paper on Heathers :V
- Get to write paper on The Metamorphosis. (How trashy would it be to compare / contrast the German original with English translations?)
- Easy A


- Never remember to turn in assignments
- This class is an insult to my intelligence
- Still don't get to write Frankenstein essay. Someday.
- Teacher may be dumber than me.


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