Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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D: omgnodon'tcompareyourselftothecullenkideveninajakewardreference

...I don't know how to help. Dx

When did you start liking her?
...Fang before he met Dylan?

Crowley before he met Aziraphale?

For a while now, I think, but I've been in denial.

Um. Hm. Are you friends with her?
Sort of.

My mom's friends with her mom, and so I've been to her house a few times for thanksgiving and the like, and I've talked with her some, but...not really, no.
So you don't talk with her much... does she go to your school? Is she a similar age? Do you have anything in common? Why do you think you like her?

I'm trying not to be too nosy. Dx
Same age, same school, we share a few classes. A few friends in common.

I like her because...well, I like her. It's not exactly a physical attraction, but it's not like i woke up and decided, "Due to her traits X and Y, I have officially decided that (Name of GIrl) would be a suitable girlfriend. Now I shall do as all nerds do and sit around not acting on my crush like a stupid git."
...Meh, I guess I know what you mean.

So you want to date her, then?

Also, I have to go. Either PM, drop it, or I'll check here when I get back.
Write angsty poetry. And rant.

Tis what all teens do.

Yours can be about how you like this girl and how it's an abomination.

What would your parents think?
Imma go do that now. D:

They'll probably say, "Oh, good, the hormone drugs are working. Hope you don't mind us experimenting on you, sweetie, but we were bored."
Don't panic.

Uh... other than that, I dunno.
Wishing I had someone to party down hard with, because as of today WWI is officially over!
Have some vodka. And cake.


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