Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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When I get obsessive, I get obsessive. I should be done tonight, though.

For the body of posts which contain foreign-language material, her translation is first, but she's also thoughtfully attached the originals for anyone who's interested.
*feels like opening a blog just to open a blog*

*probably is too lazy to do even that*

Edit: On another note completely unrelated, there is a fish very similar to the Mudkip pokemon.
Dying of laughter at this.

Warning: turn your sound down or get headphones. It's... not safe for work.
*spits juice on keyboard*

It's a legit strategy.
Does your teacher have access to an e-copy of the book? If so, that's no good.
Which one?
Never read it. I suppose you're OK, I've done crazier things.

Hello! Has your standard of living improved?
My-social-life-is-good-happy or I've-found-someone-happy?
Realized at four hours to due date that I have not started my essay. And I'm still tired as fuck.

fuck god hell why do I do this to myself

*tempted to just drop class*
Trying to convince my dad not to report Justin's hacking. The one time he actually acts like he gives a shot what happens to me, and it ends up possibly sending an innocent douche bag to jail. FML.

I fucking need sleep, but my body won't let me. It's making me act irrationally and screw things up massively.
*sympathizes* Insomnia FTW!


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