Night before last I could fly, but then I got raped, and then I watched a horror movie with House. Who then pulled some of my intestines out, I had to put them back in, and I threw up overcooked hamburger.
Last night I had to solve an absurd amount of crappy puzzles on the quest for the Dark Tower, and then something happened where everything was soaked in gasoline and one of the bad guys lit a match and KABLAM.
What the hell. Normally I have a few normal dreams, but this week... no, run of surreal-as-fuck dreams.
Out of curiosity, in the past month have you:
-Watched or read anything involving murder?
-Been reading anything containing flying humans?
-Been reading or watching anything that involved rape?
-Watched a horror movie?
-Watched House?
-Read or watched anything involving an intense look at the digestive tract?
-Seen or had to eat overcooked hamburger?
-Thinking about puzzles?
-Read, talked, or thought about the Dark Tower series?
-Read, saw, or experienced a gasoline explosion?
Knowing you, I'm willing to bet that you'd answer "yes" on at least half of these. If it's most, then it explains why you've been having these dreams.