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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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The guy narrating has a bad case of the well-meant meddling narrator. Sick guy is ill, but not so ill that he can't talk.
If he can talk, he can breathe. If he can breathe, he can move. If he can move, he can fight.

Or, at least that's the case in this condition.
This is the scene from Echo Flux? Or scarily similar to it at least?

It's been a long time since I read it, but iirc that scene was plenty believable
Why yes it is >.>;; Am I that transparent?'ll probably be happy to know that I... retooled it. Significantly. There's actually a plot.
XD It /is/ a memorable scene.

*nods* It was always a wonderful story. Just... the end kind of seemed a bit lost and rushed.
Yeah... that kind of inspired me to start plotting out a rewrite in detail. Although that presents its own suite of problems, given that suddenly I'm facing down a war story as well as a revolution and murder mysteries. Hoo boy. Hopefully I can wrap it all up semi-coherently...

Ahem. I did take care to put some brakes on the pacing this time >.>;; Altogether it should make a great deal more sense... and be more fun.
It is an awfully busy, convoluted story. But when it's all working together, it comes out so beautifully... Have you gotten very far with the rewrite yet?

^^ Wonderful. I guess the problem with creating such an array of complex interwoven plots is that the conclusions do sometimes need quite a bit of detail....

*curious* Are you aiming to get this published? *remembers you mentioned that as your plan like three forevers ago*
I'm still in the planning stage, though I've made good headway on outlining and my research is essentially done.

Ooh yeah. Luckily, most of the plots share a common conclusion, and the revolution is more of an overarching background plot. If I feel like it later I'll sketch out the revolution as a separate thing, but... not this story.

Hopefully. That's my plan. We'll see how it goes.
That would be were the bulk of the work would be, no? Not that the actually applying of all of that would be at all quick or easy, but working out what needs to change and how....

But the main revolution guy was such a lovely character... Though, yes, you can't have everything, and expanding that to a major plotline would be... huge. Though, from what I remember (and it has been like a year or something since I read it), you'd prolly need to expand a little, or show the rising levels of tensions and things, and give a wider perspective how it was progressing. Sort of. Even very briefly... *most likely has forgotten what I'm talking about though*

Good luck ^^ It'll be so exciting to have see your book properly published. Though.... it'll most likely be awhile before it makes it to Australia.
Yeah, from there the actual writing is cake, more or less.

Considering that I'm halfway or a little more through the second 'book' and the revolution hasn't yet got started... aye, I'll probably be spending a lot of time there.

>.>;; It's half-past midnight here all of a sudden. I'd probably best be off. G'night.
*nods* Lovely.

Okay, goodnight, love. Sleep well. Be safe and happy.
Devil May Cry Prequel/Reboot Trailer. Hmm.

I have...mixed feelings.


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