Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Gotta be the easiest job in the world.

Like... easier than working at Flash Mountain (screening out the pictures of chicks flashing cameras on Splash Mountain).

"*glance at manuscript* yep, good to go"
My younger brother has a lovely picture of himself reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment on the Tower of Terror.
That's adorable and awesome.
Well, obviously.
While at the U of A today, (well actually the mall where we had lunch) I had serious Deja vu. Which is cool, only in the dream I remember one of my old friends telling me cheeseburgers were delicious.

And the lecture really wasn't that awesome... To my disappointment.
Super excited now that I've realized that my next block of research is on anarchists, the Civil War, and the Crimean war. Oh yes.
On couch, with willowbank chips, having just got home from going flying.

It's a shame. The story is actually pretty interesting.
Watched Rocky Horror Picture Show last night to prepare myself for Glee on Tuesday.

What. The hell. Was that? It made noooo sense whatsoever, but it was so fun to watch... XD

I'm soooo glad my mom knows all of the little extra lines you're supposed to put into it, and plus what my friends added... Ah, that was so fun. Disturbing, but fun. And half of the time I was shielding Cody's eyes instead of the other way around like it normally works. XD

The Rocky Horror Picture show is designed to be so bad, that it's good, and it's more of a social activity than an actual show, namely because you spend half your time shouting things at the screen with friends and seeing the characters react.

I haven't seen much Glee, but I'm curious as to if they do a good job with it (as in, can the lines be reapplied, or is it just some characters running around stage singing?)
Rocky Horror is glorious :3 Unfortunately I saw it in a basement with a bunch of sleepy teenage girls, so there was no audience participation. Oh well.

>.> I am considering watching Glee just to see how bad they do with it.


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