Interview transcript
JANSSEN: Herr ter Borcht, wenn wir pachten Sie fuer der Posten, Sie wuerde viel Zeit in unserem englischsprachigen Liechtigheiten verbringen. Aufgrund Ihrer Erfahrung in der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft, nehme ich Ihr Englisch ist zwechdienlich?
[Mr. ter Borcht, if we hire you for this post, you will be spending a great deal of time at our English-speaking facilities. Given your experience in the international scientific community, I take it your English is acceptable?]
TER BORCHT: Ja, Good enough, Doctor Janssen.
JANSSEN: Excellent.
TER BORCHT: Before we begin, I would like to repeat mein thanks that you have considered me for such a high position. But why me? Surely you must have also asked mein mentor Doctor Ableson or Professor Doctor Fuhrmann? After all, I will not even have my doctorate for another year.
JANSSEN: Doctors Abelson and Fuhrmann already have their lines of work, and the research that we do at Itexicon is more practical than theoretical. Speaking of practicality, I’ve been very impressed by your work on plant splicing, we here at Itex had actually been working on a way to halt the banana streak virus for years, and you solve the problem, with genomic revision, no less, in under two months.
TER BORCHT : I find that strange, Doctor Janssen, the studies of das banana streak virus that you speak of were completed very recently and will not be published for a month. How did you happen to hear of them?
JANSSEN: Through the head of your department, of course. We contract out some of our low level work to the life sciences branch to your employer, and I was quite surprised at the quality and sophistication of your work. It is obvious that you aren’t being challenged enough though, it shows all over your work; little modifications that only turn up under a serious scan. Here at Itex, we’re searching for that sort of aggression with genetics. If you work with us, we won’t limit you to weeds and algae—we can provide you with a real challenge. Would you perhaps be interested in projects that deal with large mammals? We have easy access to them, and positions in projects that will change the face of the entire planet.
TER BORCHT : Work on large mammals? Really? I don’t know why you think I have value, but Mein Gott, that’s the best offer that has ever been given to me. I accept!
JANSSEN: Excelent. (Takes out recording device)
TER BORCHT: You were recording this?
JANSSEN: Oh yes, it’s Itex policy.
Here are my parts of the interview:
And, for kicks, ter Borcht on returning to Itex after his institution stay:
Ach, ist gut to be out of das itiotic institution. De food vas terrible, und das peronell vere completely inept… or actid like stupid people. Haff you taken your medications herr doctor? Ven was de last time you had bowel movement herr doctor? Ist dere anything we can get you other dan ein computer herr doctor? Ich werde diesem Ort abgerissen und die Mitarbeiter erschossen! (I will have that place demolished, and the employees shot!)
Now vere vas I?
Jah, I haff seen das plans for de sloppy, I had to spend mein virst veekend back vith reffisions, but it vill work. Vith das growth acceleration, it vill be ready befor das presentation to das byers.
I haff concerns though. Dis...ah... by-haff program. It has benefits in theory, but in terms of execution, I haff no clue how de derector ist going to pull dis vahn off. You can’t tailor ein virus for occupation. You can’t haff successful nuclear war. You can’t order das rediculous robot Erasers to vly around de vorld shooting people like de robot in das Schvarzeneggar movie. Vell, ist not my problem.
Vahn more ting. Das idiot Bachelder allowed ein group ahf das afian-humans to go out ahf control. Ah vell, dey vill all haff to die.
Nighthawk, can you record this?:
June 5th, Dr. (Make up a name that sounds sensible) reporting on…well…
Ugh, what a mess!
I mean, Roland ter Borcht is a brilliant geneticist, but you’d think that he could keep a clean desk—I had to spend the entire week trying to organize and make sense of it all, and to find the important files on the avian-humans and erasers.
Even with what Dr. ter Borcht left, this isn’t going to be easy. I mean, the Erasers aren’t designed to fly. They just aren’t. They’re designed to be heavy muscle on the ground. Sadly, when it comes to chasing flying hybrids, muscle on the ground gets you nowhere. So the gameplan is to take this data and see if we can enlarge the avian hybrid wings a bit and start growing them on our new Eraser batches. The estimates show that the new Erasers won’t have the speed or turning radius of the original avian-humans, but their sheer inertia during combat should be an advantage.
Well, you can’t have everything.
Feel free to put in pauses or sighs as you feel needed.
Ok, sounds awesome! Can I do this tomorrow though? My family's kind of asleep right now...
Sure. No rush yet.
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