Messing with superglue in a slow attempt to repair my watch.
At least the eventual use of this watch allows me to be a little forgiving to cracks... "yeah see that one there, that's from when the airship pirates attacked me".
Honest question; do you think that the following post that I shared on my debate club's forum was in any way offensive, or could a person with reasonable intelligence pick up on the fact that the superior tone was a joke?
"Look up.
No, below "Board Index < General Discussion", on the line with "User Control Panel", to the right....
BINGO. Messages? I didn't know we got messages! Of course not, guys. But I did, because I'm obviously superior to you. So click on it, and see your new debate forum inbox. Most of you probably have a message from me in there, because it only came to my attention recently that you all either hate me, or didn't know that feature existed. Actually, I don't know about this year, but most of last year's debaters didn't know about it.
So sit there in awe, my friends. It's a PM system. Use it."
This is the third fucking day I've postponed the same math lesson. Let this post serve as a reminder tomorrow that if I find some strange reason or way to sesame out of it again, it's BS and I need to just do it.
But not right now, of course, Glee's on tonight. :D Mustwatchthefailmustwatchthefailmustwatchthefail.