Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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SO. FREAKING. TIRED. Whyyyy? _o_

Trying to plan a painting or three and possibly a novel. I've got seven pages written, woo. My goal is to finish it before I graduate high school. >.>
What do I do when my mom is not home?

I dance around to the Beatles with a can of Febreeze in my hand, showering the house in smelly-good-ness. :3
My homework tonight:

Write three different versions of a short story beginning, by changing the formatting/phrasing/etc.
Read and annotate an EAP short story
Finish writing poetry
NO algebra, NO chem, and NO history.

Gr. My dad's free virus protection stuff doesn't apply to Chrome, which is, conveniently, the only internet browser I use. >.<'
Running a Universal Frankenstein marathon -- just started Frankenstein, will continue until House of Frankenstein.

What can I say, I have hella catchup for NaNo.
Painting a sunset + listening to all of my most epic music.

Stress of day is gone. ^-^
Got an awesome test score in Social. :D

Not so awesome in Math, but eh... I'll try harder next time.

One half of the test didn't count...

Trying to get used to these new headphones. Thank god I am not the only person who kills Apple Headphones in six months...
Yay for people who pay me to paint stuff! :D This is almost like having a job, which I'm really not supposed to do until I get my driver's license, so yay!

Duuuude. You're like four years younger than my boyfriend, and you go to our school. Do you have a deathwish or something? frigginlittleboysonfbtryingtotellmeI'mprettyandthengooffline...
Printing poems and wasting ...way too much ink.
I wrote a haiku for my portfolio. It reads as follows:

Rainbows are happy
Smiling butterflies are, too
Also unicorns


Fuck you, teacher, for making us write all this. Enjoy.
Watching Young Frankenstein and scribbling. Being essentially confined to a chair has got its perks -- I can't do much but write.


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