Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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So apparently Bride Of Frankenstein is a Gay Movie... but Frankenstein is not a Gay Book.

I feel this warrants a -- excuse the TV Tropes-ese -- shaking of the fist at the sky while screaming something: an edited version of The Khan, if you will.


Frankenstein was approximately eighty times as gay as Bride Of Frankenstein. Bride made my gaydar roll over in its sleep, Frankenstein straight up made it explode.
Was it meant to be so, or is it just the time period?
The guy who directed Bride of Frankenstein was openly gay, apparently, but I really can't see blaming him for undertones and implications that are present in the source material. Which was written by a teenage girl in a time fairly full of closeted gay.

Now I can ski (almost)!!
My Lit teacher played a Vlogbrothers video in class covering Catcher in the Rye. I had a nerdgasm and then everybody gave me weird looks...
LUL 53000 replies!
On a rather random note, does anyone happen to know when summertime in Russia is? I know it isn't the same as us, but it isn't like Australia either, is it? Hell, if I know though...
Summertime in Russia is exactly the same as it is in the United States. The seasons flip in relation the the equator.

So, right now:

US, UK, Russia, China = Fall-->Winter.
Australia, Chile, New Zealand, South Africa=Spring-->Summer.
Riiight. *blonde* Thanks. (Dude, for you it may be winter, but it's still summer in AZ. *was melting today*)
Outside it's about 10degC, and rainy.

NOT SPRING!! *wail*
I thought it was the same as us. Northern hemisphere.


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