Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Methinks we should all display our counters together on a single page, eh?

Or add each other as buddies, meh

I've been running off of Diet Dr. Pepper like no one's business. Btw, any of you planning on going to a local write-in? I'm going to one at my local library on Sunday. :D
I just friended you because I'm a creeper >.>

I never have time or the effort for write-ins... I prefer to sit at home, preferably with a movie or some music on. Because I am antisocial and lazy.
Added you back. And what's the fun in life without creeping? Thinks of the short story The Yellow Wallpaper

I'm the same way, but my curiosity level is high. It helps me to write when other people are around for some reason - I guess it forces me to concentrate. For example, I've been writing while this guy next to me was practicing juggling. I still managed to concentrate until I checked this thread. Home seems so...I dunno. Oh well. :P
I joined.
Same username as here...
I have no idea what I'm going to do... We'll see...
Passed the 25% mark earlier today. Currently Chilling at 13,763. Another big investigation scene coming up, so that number's bound to go up.
Passed 1000 words. I shouldn't be proud of this. ._.
Be proud, bitch. Be proud.

*puts hands bravely on hips as her pants fall down*
Stuck at 20,506 due to lack of caffeine. My goal has been to write 5,000 words a day, so this is a bummer for me. :-/ I guess my obsessive writing has caught up with me, eh?
Lolol I love my protag. He's so adorably awkward. :3
At around 6k after two days.

Impressed because normally I can barely get past 5k.

Still going strong. :D
Yay school interrupting the important things in life, like NaNo. XD
Getting my ass kicked and barely keeping up with word count. And I'm about to leave and volunteer for six hours. x.x So, odds are, I'll be up until midnight struggling for wordcount again.



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