Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm in an awful mood.

And it's cold.

My feet are somewhat blue, but all my socks are dirty. And doing laundry would require walking across twenty feet of cold, tile floor. I don't care what my mother says, sixty-five degrees is too cold to keep a house in the winter when we can afford a god damned boat.
If you live in my icebox -- er, house -- yes, it's like the warmest the house gets for six months of the year.
Wow. *feels your pain*

What's worse is that the heater doesn't even work properly, so in reality it's probably, like, 62 degrees.
You... Are a psycho. You /like/ to be able to build a snowman in the house?
But I'm guessing you also have nice, warm sweaters. And thick jeans. AND CLEAN SOCKS.

And a jacket.
I have an old, very thin hoodie.

... And that's all.
Dude, that's how warm my house is.

Only it's a car...

And it is rather cold.

-Gives tea- -Feels your cold-

Wtf, don't you in the south though?
Yeah. My mom likes to keep in a couple degrees from the temperature outside of the house.
Too cold is better than too warm though.

My mom likes her house at 80 F.

In all honestly, the 65 F I'm at right now is a lot better.

I'm glad my dad doesn't like his houses warm as hell. Plus he's cheap...
Being reminded how awesome it is to be alone at home.

I haven't had this in like two weeks.

Psyched for the extra long weekend. Even if I have to wash the bathroom.
Just watched the PJO movie for the first time.

...It was pretty bad.


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