Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Funeral thread?

Hannah, yeah I saw that, and I wasn't sure if they were being a smart ass, or were confused or what. I was going to swear at them, but I forgot.
I think they just didn't get it... It makes me feel bad.

I mean, you shouldn't use dead people to facilitate being a smart-ass.
I rather meant "link plz".
Er, I can't be arsed to find the link... who am I kidding?

Pour vous.
Thanks mate.

edit: Jesus. That... qualifies as a Dude, Not Funny moment. Or something.

it's a joke thread you goddamn tard, don't post names of ACTUAL DEAD PEOPLE FUCK'S SAKE
Oops, sorry I missed that post.

Yeah, or it's possible that all they saw was "Funeral thread" and thought that I was serious...? I feel like I made a horrible joke now.
I mean, I'm excited for Deathly Hallows, but I sort of really want it to be over so the extremely annoying HP squees on TTS will just shut the fuck up already.

OMGSQUEE10 DAYS!!!<333333

Shut. UP. I can count.
Dude, I'm going to a midnight showing with my I-wish mother. 'Twill be epic. :D
^Acceptable proclamation of excitement.

I doubt I will, because I'll probably go with my best friend, but I refuse to go with her until she's read all of the books. And I don't think she's finished with the fourth. v.v
That's just going to feed the elitist in me, you know.

I haven't read any of them. Don't worry, though, I'm adequately ashamed on my own.
That's okay. XD

Meh. You should read them. But she just asks annoying questions and... she should just read them.


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