Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Oh HELL yes.

*should have screencapped that*
Screencapped what?
Can't say.

It might compromise our agents in the field.

You and your ambiguity...
I should have gotten a screenshot of so many things. Dx

On a related note, you are sometimes really obvious with your alternates. Just saying.
Lolsylols. I'm to the point where every alt of mine is just a game to see how stupid the mods are and how long I could get away with it.
I have a pretty stable alternate atm.

And I've been banned upwards of twenty times, so I'm at the point where I really want to be able to stick around and talk to people I like without being worried about the banhammer. I'll probably be more openly obvious as time progresses, since the company present on TTS is slowly deteriorating...

Addendum: Yep, four people whom I actually like and find interesting. Actually, five. There are more, but they're never on any more, so they don't count.
I know your current alt A.....
I know yours, too, though do you even try to conceal it? XD
No, oh wait I think there was this one time, but then some girl posted some stupid thing and I went off on her and got banned for threatening people... >.> Yeah posing as a psychotic squee didn't work well.

I should start posting some "animal pics" again and see what happens.
*sigh* Fuck the mods.

I couldn't pose as a squee. I'm too much addicted to proper grammar, and I love bashing self-righteous people, which Twihards don't do...

Lololol yes.


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