Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Just learned that I do not know a lot of French verbs. Or I forget them a lot.


I do have knack for remembering nouns though.
Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp? :D?
what the

...I saw this and thought "I'm always looking for the next ex-Mrs. Dr. Malcolm."
Eating cranberry-walnut scones.

...Cranberry-walnut is officially my favorite flavor combination to have in baked goods.
Rehabilitating my website. But I suppose most people will have left by now. :/

And planning out an epic music video to my song for Nerimon. I have essays to write and tests to take, but I'm working on a humorous song about a British YouTube star. For the first time in a while my priorities are lined up exactly right.

You're a lovely person.
My dad is getting married.


And he didn't tell me.

What the hell?! D:
My parents are getting divorced.

And they didn't tell me yet.

Nah, you win.

That's awful. -hug- :/ Is she at least a nice lady?
I guess... I haven't really talked to her much... I don't really visit him much anymore because I don't have to, but my brother and sister do every other weekend. That's probably why he hasn't told me. But, I mean, it would be better to get a call or a text from him instead of having my little sister suddenly say one day "Oh yeah, Dad's getting married!" like, while I'm kissing my boyfriend.

Yeah, I was a little surprised. And pissed. Okay, a lotta pissed.

EDIT- Oh yeah, and because of this, he's moving to Florida. ._.
Showered, worked a little on NaNo, read every strip of a webcomic.

I feel like work has been done today :\
Beat my best mile time by 20 seconds.
Restricted myself from all but two of my normal websites until I get to 15k for NaNo. And I can't work on NaNo until I finish my homework.

...I'm going to be pissed if I spend seven hours with my homework. Which is likely to happen. :|


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