My school has almost as much drama as Glee nowadays... D:
Okay, so imagine this. Most of the teachers at my school are old ladies, with the occasional other kinds of teachers, like old guys, ugly guys, etc... and like two or three younger men or ladies.
So, two of the younger lady teachers are the two art teachers. They're both really pretty and in their early twenties and look almost like students. Then there's the band director, Mr. Maxie, who's really young with dark hair, sometimes called "Hottie Scottie" or "Sexy Maxie" by the STUDENTS. Also, he's married to some six-foot-tall blonde almost supermodel chick.
Mr. Maxie and one of the art teachers (who's divorced with two kids and my favorite teacher in the school who was supposed to be my art teacher next semester) have been missing from the school for exactly a week now. There sure are some nasty rumors flying around. The one most people have known and are almost taking to be fact is that they're in suspension because there was intercourse on school property and they were found by a custodian. The district is supposedly trying to figure out what to do with them.
Well, I can at least say that nobody expects either of them to come back.