Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Do you have an encyclopedia program that's just on your computer? If you can find one, then you can yank out the internet entirely.
Going to hit 10000 today. :D
I just realized that I go back and forth between past and present tense unintentionally.

What the hell.
27k. I'm tired.
Hit 6k. I'm going to try to catch up this weekend. Goodbye, Saturday.

Edit: Also, I'm introducing a character I had planned for a roleplay. Yessss
7k. Maybe a little more tonight.

This is the first day I've beaten the daily goal. <--*shame*
Barely cleared 14000, but basically did fuckall all day anyway. Catchup time this weekend! Yeehaw :\
Switched plots a couple days ago.

Thus, switching stories.

At 7k. So happy about this. It's awesome. :D
One of my characters is such a screwed up bastard. And I love him. x3
Just three hundred words shy of 30k.

I've found the story again, that's a good sign.
I killed my computer, I've listened to this track like 100 times, but I'm back in the swing with hella German, a shirtless man with a bonesaw, and a very nervous Southerner.

...14 636. :C Bah.
Beat the official goal for today, but not my suggested goal.

300 words shy of 9k. I'll get to there, and, lacking any inspiration, be done for the night.



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