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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It's semantics -- all fencing, essentially, is formal. When you get down to "kick him in the nards, punch him in the gut, smack him with the broad side of the sword", then you're talking non-fancy, and that's your sword fight.
Some Fencers can do some pretty nasty stuff. I think it's Epee that lets you get close and pretty push the little bastards. Along with a whole whirl of stuff. Stabbing the other guy in the spleen is your goal, and dammit, you'll do practically anything to do it. Only Sabre doesn't let you get close, and I've never been a fan of Sabre anyways.

But you can still use Fencing style and then just kick their ass. Fencing is a style of Swordplay anyways. Although, I'll agree, good old ass kicking is a sword fight.
Fencing just makes me go "Errol Flynn", and/or "Inigo Montoya".

Personally, sword fighting is too distant for me. Knife fight all the way.
I imagine Jackie Chan in a white suit... Which has some small correlation, although not much.

Knife fights makes me think of the Lemon Demon song. XD
I always wanted to go to a fancy school where I could take fencing instead of PE. It looks like fun... My friend's sister did it for a few years way back when.
Instead of PE? That would be a badass school. I'd go there.
I saw people do it for their PE credit in a fancy school on TV once. I so wanted to go there...
I head England as it in PE, but -shurgs- Stereotypes might not help.

I wish my school had Fencing club. I'd join it in a heartbeat.
XD Stereotypes work. They offered it at my school, not instead of PE but like as an extra thing, and the instructor was English. *wishes I'd been able to do it*
Yeah, I know what fencing is. It wasn't fencing.

Right, but they weren't even going for eachother, they were highly choreographed. And lame, fake-looking sparks were flying EVERYWHERE everytime they clashed. It looked retarded.

EDIT: like, they were "going for eachother" but they never ended up getting bloody, and they didn't go for the weak spots in the armor. It was retarded.
Depends. Fencing is usually with a long thin, light sword and is mostly about technique and manuvering. Swordfighting is where you have two idiots with these heavy giant things just clanging them off each other. See Monty Python for details on the latter.


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