My little brother is being a little shit apparently because he couldn't pick up a hamburger at dinner, and now he's in even more of a bitchy mood because my parents confiscated these boots he loves because they hurt his feet.
Yes, this boy is fourteen goddamn years old.
Other than him... I'll have to write 10 000 words tomorrow at least to catch up on NaNo. Christ.
Most of tumblr is up in arms about "OMG NO 4CHAN GON HACK US", while I'm giggling (and personally side with /b/ -- tumblr is full of dumb people) and making popcorn.
It's like watching a little kid (tumblr) try and kick his creepy uncle (/b/) in the shins because Uncle threatened to ticklefight him. So. Hilarious.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 14, 2010 at 4:42pm
Damn. Power went out. Either my internet dies, or my laptop dies.
How the hell am I suppose to Nano?
What's up with this inconsistent power anyways?
Edit: There's cops outside. Fuck. Does this have any correlation? Shiiit, what if there's, like a crazy convict outside?
Edit: Edit: Power is on. Cops are gone. Cool. Clearly I need to stop thinking weird, preposterous things at night.