Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I don't want to go to school tomorrow. D:

I have two chapter tests and a quiz either tomorrow or Tuesday, and I just hate school now more than I've ever hated school before... It's like a waste of my life right now. And I'm never going to use any of it. And all of my favorite teachers left my school. All four of them. One of them got fired. I don't even know who my fourth block teacher for next semester is going to be, or if I'll even get to take Advanced Drawing and Painting since she got fired. Aaaaagh. >.<' I want to stay home and draw and play Guitar Hero.
Just ate cotton candy and now talking to my friends on FB.(:
Totally wasted my weekend. Didn't even watch Sweeney Todd.
'Tis what weekends for. Doing nothing, regretting it throughout the week, and then doing it again the weekend after.
That sounds like my life.

Damn it.
I apologize for quoting TV Tropes, but this made me squee, legit. (From the Camp Gay entry.)

'Ernest Thesiger, the British actor most famous for his portrayal of the Ambiguously Gay Mad Scientist Dr. Pretorius in The Bride of Frankenstein, taught the current Queen Elizabeth II to sew, wrote a book about embroidery, appeared at an entertainer's birthday party in full drag, and called himself "the stitchin' bitch." '

holy SHIT


Long weekends are the hardest. Especially since I was actually productive this weekend. My word count went from nothing to a lot really quick and I finished my notes on A House on Mango Street, and I just finished my project with a lot of cutting.

I dun wanna go to school. >.> I

Also, today/tomorrow (the 15th, damn timezones) is my besties birthday. MORE reason I shouldn't go to school!
Soooo I need to hie me to a bookstore sometime soon, because I haven't finished the new Frankenstein book >.> nyarrrrgh apparently this one sucks less.
I hate siblings.

Ruined my happy birthday post to my friend. And I can't even insult her back because she blocked me.

Fucking bitch.

On a happier note: I love Telus. :D
With every section of knowledge I'm forced to learn I go through emotional phases.
Phase 1. Dude, what is this shit and why do I need to know it?
Phase 2. Fascinatig, man. Whooooaaa....
Phase 3. 78%? FML.

Dude, economics is fascinating. Whooooaaaa, man.
Trying to squeeze some additional meanng out of More's Utopia for a paper. And praying that my group mates are competent.


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